MiCA Regulation [Eurolex]

Art. 93 - Competent authorities Art. 94 - Powers of competent authorities Art. 95 - Cooperation Art. 96 - Cooperation EBA and ESMA Art. 97 - Classification of tokens Art. 98 - Other authorities Art. 99 - Duty of notification Art. 100 - Professional secrecy Art. 101 - Data protection Art. 102 - Precautionary measures Art. 103 - ESMA interventions Art. 104 - EBA interventions Art. 105 - Product intervention Art. 106 - Coordination with ESMA or EBA Art. 107 - Third-countries Art. 108 - Complaints-handling Art. 109 - ESMA register Art. 110 - Register of non-compliant firms Art. 111 - Administrative penalties Art. 112 - Supervisory powers Art. 113 - Right of appeal Art. 114 - Publication of decisions Art. 115 - Reporting of penalties Art. 116 - Reporting of infringements Art. 117 - Supervision: stablecoins Art. 118 - EBA crypto-asset committee Art. 119 - Colleges for issuers Art. 120 - Non-binding opinion of colleges Art. 121 - Legal privilege Art. 122 - Request for information Art. 123 - General investigative powers Art. 124 - On-site inspections Art. 125 - Exchange of information Art. 126 - Third countries: information Art. 127 - Third countries: disclosure Art. 128 - Other authorities Art. 129 - Professional secrecy Art. 130 - Supervisory measures EBA Art. 131 - Fines Art. 132 - Periodic penalty payments Art. 133 - Allocation of fines Art. 134 - Fines: procedural rules Art. 135 - Investigation: hearings Art. 136 - Review by the Court of Justice Art. 137 - Supervisory fees Art. 138 - EBA: delegation of tasks Art. 139 - Exercise of the delegation Art. 140 - Reports on MiCA Art. 141 - Report on market Art. 142 - Report on crypto-assets

How to make sense of all of this?

Article 131 - Fines

  1. EBA shall adopt a decision imposing a fine in accordance with paragraph 3 or 4 of this Article where, in accordance with Article 134(8), it finds that:

    (a) an issuer of a significant asset-referenced token or a member of its management body has, intentionally or negligently, committed an infringement as listed in Annex V;

    (b) an issuer of a significant e-money token or a member of its management body has, intentionally or negligently, committed an infringement as listed in Annex VI.

    An infringement shall be considered to have been committed intentionally if EBA finds objective factors which demonstrate that such an issuer or a member of its management body acted deliberately to commit the infringement.

  2. When adopting a decision as referred to in paragraph 1, EBA shall take into account the nature and seriousness of the infringement, having regard to:

    (a) the duration and frequency of the infringement;

    (b) whether financial crime has been occasioned, facilitated or is otherwise attributable to the infringement;

    (c) whether the infringement has revealed serious or systemic weaknesses in the issuer of the significant asset-referenced token’s or in the issuer of the significant e-money token’s procedures, policies and risk management measures;

    (d) whether the infringement has been committed intentionally or negligently;

    (e) the degree of responsibility of the issuer of the significant asset-referenced token or the issuer of the significant e-money token responsible for the infringement;

    (f) the financial strength of the issuer of the significant asset-referenced token, or of the issuer of the significant e-money token, responsible for the infringement, as indicated by the total turnover of the responsible legal person or the annual income and net assets of the responsible natural person;

    (g) the impact of the infringement on the interests of holders of significant asset-referenced tokens or significant e-money tokens;

    (h) the importance of the profits gained, losses avoided by the issuer of the significant asset-referenced token or the significant e-money token responsible for the infringement or the losses for third parties caused by the infringement, insofar as they can be determined;

    (i) the level of cooperation of the issuer of the significant asset-referenced token or of the issuer of the significant e-money token responsible for the infringement with EBA, without prejudice to the need to ensure disgorgement of profits gained or losses avoided by that person;

    (j) previous infringements by the issuer of the significant asset-referenced token or by the issuer of the significant e-money token responsible for the infringement;

    (k) measures taken by the issuer of the significant asset-referenced token or by the issuer of the significant e-money token after the infringement to prevent the repetition of such an infringement.

  3. For issuers of significant asset-referenced tokens, the maximum amount of the fine referred to in paragraph 1 shall be up to 12,5 % of its annual turnover in the preceding business year, or twice the amount or profits gained or losses avoided because of the infringement where those can be determined.

  4. For issuers of significant e-money tokens, the maximum amount of the fine referred to in paragraph 1 shall be up to 10 % of its annual turnover in the preceding business year, or twice the amount or profits gained or losses avoided because of the infringement where those can be determined.

How to make sense of all of this?