MiCA Regulation [Eurolex]

Art. 93 - Competent authorities Art. 94 - Powers of competent authorities Art. 95 - Cooperation Art. 96 - Cooperation EBA and ESMA Art. 97 - Classification of tokens Art. 98 - Other authorities Art. 99 - Duty of notification Art. 100 - Professional secrecy Art. 101 - Data protection Art. 102 - Precautionary measures Art. 103 - ESMA interventions Art. 104 - EBA interventions Art. 105 - Product intervention Art. 106 - Coordination with ESMA or EBA Art. 107 - Third-countries Art. 108 - Complaints-handling Art. 109 - ESMA register Art. 110 - Register of non-compliant firms Art. 111 - Administrative penalties Art. 112 - Supervisory powers Art. 113 - Right of appeal Art. 114 - Publication of decisions Art. 115 - Reporting of penalties Art. 116 - Reporting of infringements Art. 117 - Supervision: stablecoins Art. 118 - EBA crypto-asset committee Art. 119 - Colleges for issuers Art. 120 - Non-binding opinion of colleges Art. 121 - Legal privilege Art. 122 - Request for information Art. 123 - General investigative powers Art. 124 - On-site inspections Art. 125 - Exchange of information Art. 126 - Third countries: information Art. 127 - Third countries: disclosure Art. 128 - Other authorities Art. 129 - Professional secrecy Art. 130 - Supervisory measures EBA Art. 131 - Fines Art. 132 - Periodic penalty payments Art. 133 - Allocation of fines Art. 134 - Fines: procedural rules Art. 135 - Investigation: hearings Art. 136 - Review by the Court of Justice Art. 137 - Supervisory fees Art. 138 - EBA: delegation of tasks Art. 139 - Exercise of the delegation Art. 140 - Reports on MiCA Art. 141 - Report on market Art. 142 - Report on crypto-assets

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Article 9 - Publication of whitepaper

(Official title: Publication of the crypto-asset white paper and of the marketing communications)

  1. Offerors and persons seeking admission to trading of crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens or e-money tokens shall publish their crypto-asset white papers and, where applicable, their marketing communications, on their website, which shall be publicly accessible, at a reasonable time in advance of, and in any event before the starting date of, the offer to the public of those crypto-assets or the admission to trading of those crypto-assets. The crypto-asset white papers and, where applicable, the marketing communications, shall remain available on the website of the offerors or persons seeking admission trading for as long as the crypto-assets are held by the public.

  2. The published crypto-asset white papers and, where applicable, the marketing communications, shall be identical to the version notified to the competent authority in accordance with Article 8 or, where applicable, to the version modified in accordance with Article 12.

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